Sitemap - 2023 - The Reader Experience

Hitting Pause For Now

Use ChatGPT Voice to Craft Characters Through Conversation

I’m a digital boy with an analog craving

The Magic of Going Solo: Jim's Adventure in Self-Publishing

ChatGPT Prompt: Structured Feedback for Rapid Revisions when Deadlines Loom

Developing A Writing Process: Standardize before you Optimise

ChatGPT Prompt: The Checklist Method

Simplicity: Why Less is More

Too Much Going On 🤯

A Tiny But Meaningful Update

5 Process Lessons From July

What worked this week and three free tools for easy author websites

Maria's World

On Learning From Failure

Choose Your Next Adventure

The AI bots have broken Amazon and other tips

Sujan's MidJourney Saga

Experimenting with Process

The State of the Empire 2: Decimation!

The Infinite Writing Mindset

🗺️ Define Your Novel's Key Question

Your North Star: Key to Writing Success

Start Here

The State of the Empire #001

Reverse Outline Your Novel Drafts In Minutes

Master the Art of Unspoken Emotions

Crafting Compelling Conflict in Microfiction

Elevate Your Writing with a Customizable Beta Reading Prompt

From Fear to Empathy: Using Vulnerability in Microfiction

Captivate Your Readers: Expert Techniques to Leave Your Characters Naked on the Page

Writing Prompt: Win or Lose

Polish Your Prose with ChatGPT

Writing Prompt: Make them struggle

What's the 100 Story Challenge?

Writing Prompt: That Antagonizing Force

Developmental Editing with ChatGPT

Writing Prompt: Your Very Flawed Character

April Mini-Course: The Core of Every Story

Writing Prompt: Plot Twist! 😱

Writing Prompt: Create A Mystery

Writing Prompt: Nerves Are Taut

Writing Prompt: Characters In Peril

Writing Prompt: Abruptly Ending It

March Theme: Cliffhangers

February Theme: Hooked

Before we start this year