I know how to write novels with very little time.

  1. I’m a part time writer

  2. I have a young family

  3. I have a full time job

  4. I’ve written and serialised two novels.

And the second one took half the time.

What’s the Reader Experience about?

It’s about focusing your efforts where they matter, both in telling stories you care about and stories your audience wants or needs to read.

It’s about using all the tools available to make the most out of your limited time (every day and on earth!) to tell the best stories you can.

I don’t do lazy writing or “Done for Me” by AI

But I do use every tool I can to squeeze better, more meaningful and inspiring stories out of the hours I have.

What do you get out of this newsletter?

I’ll share my fiction as examples of what I can produce, if that looks good to you, and you want to know how then my tutorials are what you want.

So sign up for free to get the fiction and high-level occasional updates.

And if you want to know how to save hours and how to lift what you can do with the time you have, then consider upgrading.

If you want to find the motivation to make your fiction-writing dreams - big or small - come true, follow this newsletter.

Jillian Spiridon, The Cat's Cradle: Stories & More

Subscribe to Read / Write / Run

For stories and miles, the long game wins.


Read / Run / Write. Lifelong learner, ⛰️ mountain runner, and spec fic author