Demystifying The Path to Writing Success

Welcome to the intersection where passion for storytelling meets the power of technology.

I'm Zane Dickens, and like you, I'm navigating the exciting world of digital storytelling. My goal? To harness today's tools and strategies, making the dream of writing full-time not just possible, but practical.

Who Am I?

Think of me not just as a guide, but as your ally in the trenches.

I'm a part-time writer turned tech-savvy story weaver. With two decades of design expertise under my belt, I'm translating those skills into creating Rich Online Media Experiences (ROME) — where stories breathe and readers live the adventure.


ROME is the art of crafting worlds beyond words.

Using every tool at our disposal from AI to the latest in serial platforms, ensuring each reader's journey is unforgettable. Imagine not just telling stories, but letting your audience step inside them — that's ROME. It's about turning passive reading into an active adventure, where each click pulls them deeper into your narrative.

Like clicking on this link below:

The Shift to Show, Not Tell

Gone are the days of static pages and one-way storytelling.

I've pivoted to 'showing' rather than 'telling' about immersive reader experiences. This isn't just about reading; it's about experiencing. It's about Fiction as a Service (FaaS), where stories evolve, grow, and respond to the readers themselves.

Your Journey with Me

Join me as I document my experiments in real-time.

From leveraging AI in outlining and editing to designing compelling covers. You'll get practical tutorials, transparent progress updates, and hands-on empire-building tips. I don't just share my successes; I share the 'how' behind them.

Ready to bring your writing dreams into reality? Let's do this quest together.

If you want to find the motivation to make your fiction-writing dreams - big or small - come true, follow this newsletter.

Jillian Spiridon, The Cat's Cradle: Stories & More

What are you waiting for?

Why Subscribe?

Dive into a wellspring of resources and an immersive experimental experience for just $5.99 a month.

New posts are open for a month before joining a rich archive exclusive to subscribers. And if you're part of the crew already, your rate never changes, rewarding your early support.

As the world expands and the AI-driven resources the price will tick up.

Visit the Night Market for a time-limited discount.

This one-time only discount will count down (50% - 25% - 10%) until the next major instalment, around March 2024, when the price will increase to $9.99.

This will be a narrative-driven hours-saving massive update for any writer looking to leverage the latest in AI and have fun along the way.

Subscribe to The Reader Experience

Documenting my serial fiction journey from concept to community.


I'm a writer of science fiction, from Cape Town, South Africa. I write about power dynamics and inequality through a lens of AI-powered magic.
Designer, amateur developer, amateur-er writer. When I’m not trying to write, I design fonts, and sometimes running off to the mountains for some high-altitude treks.