Dear Avalon
My darling this road is hard and it is often walked alone.
Although I wish a different journey for you. I know that as your life takes shape you shall share similar struggles. No wish nor prayer of mine will remove this truth from your or my life.
Life is struggle. And that struggle makes us or breaks us. I do not mean to be bleak, your father is simply maudlin. Too much wine or whine, pardon the poor pun.
But we writers must write. Or give up the mantel. We must choose to be happy, to write for the words and wonder.
To continue despite the challenges.
Curiosities and Stories
Each fortnight will include new stories, lessons and insights about a bard’s life and journey to become a true master of the storytelling arts.
The Rise of Fiction as a Service
Crafting Personal Connection in the Age of AI.
My more personal fiction newsletter
The Reader Experience is devoted to reader-first business of writing, while this newsletter is all about my fiction. My novels, serials and flash fiction.
And the odd musing about my personal life.
The Raven’s Caw
Hearken to the bearer of news from the heart of Fablehaven.
The Arcane Archive - the library of spells grows this week, past premium favourites have been released free to the public.