Will do.

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Well now. You've inspired me. I will join this challenge. I've been hankering to do something different from the Thrifty Words Theme Challenges. Something with the potential for a longer word count.

I must likely won't start right away. I'm still in the middle of a move. Black mold had just been found in the house we just bought so they're needs to be remediation before we move in. I need a day job. You know, lots of love stuff going on. I have just started journaling again. I bought myself a lovely blank journal for my birthday and started writing in it on my birthday. I have another school notebook for just stories.

I may start there.

Thank you for these newsletters. I truly enjoy reading your thoughts and your thought processes.

I've only tried nano once. I wrote a lot of words, but no real story and I burned out and gave up. Kudos to you for finishing 6 times even if you think the stories are shit. It's still a huge accomplishment.

Yay you!

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There's no rush, it's quite a commitment. Says the guy who started in January and still needs/wants to finish!

That Black Mold sounds scary, ever since my wife and I heard about Britney Murphy we eye common mildew with something akin to abject terror.

That is a lot on, maybe start when things settle a bit?

Journalling sounds great. I love a new journal although I've really been able to keep the habit going. Any advice for that?

Finally, thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot to know these posts are helpful.

Thank you, I do love Nano the community spirit is great. And I've still got all those drafts, so sometime in October I plan on diving in and finding something to publish maybe as a serial. :)

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Yes. Black mold is terrifying! I hope it will all be remediated before we move. If necessary, wet can stay with my mom or my brother until it's all done. I think it's mostly confines to the basement.

I've had good success keeping a journal when I make it pretty of my bedtime routine. I can write down all my successes of the day, my complaints, my gratitudes, and worries. I can detail my plans for the next day. I find I accomplish more is I've written down what I need to do the day before. Even just a short page. I've found more success with the tires of journals that have a spot for the date. Not sure why that helps.

I'll make a commitment to start no later then January 1. That gives me time to settle in. I'll even put it on my calendar!

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Wow that's interesting, I've always tried to do it in the morning, as paired with Morning Pages. Perhaps, as you say, I should just try it at night. A reflective close to the day and a look towards tomorrow. Thanks that's helpful. :)

Haha awesome, let me know when you start, or better yet tag me so I can cheer you on and read your stories too! :-D

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