What about an interview with Paul regarding the 100 challenge?

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He's on my list and he has agreed.

What sort of questions would you be interested in?

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He writes with different voices and in different styles. How does he switch from one to another? Does it come naturally or does he make some conscious effort to change from one to the other? Does he have some props like a different place where he sits, different computer ...?

What changes does he see, if any, in his longer writings following the completion of the challenge?

Let's say he wrote 100 x 200 = 20k words with the challenge. How would he compare the difficulty with writing 10 x 2k words stories during the same period?

I would also be curious of the process. Does he write/edit/publish the same day. write one day, edit the piece from the day before, and publish the one from two days ago after a final reading?

Not necessarily for Paul

What about a challenge that would consist in writing 100 stories in the same universe? Like with additional constraint that all stories are somehow linked? Would that be a good step to take towards a book?

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Thank you for taking the time to share these. I've also wanted to interview him for very similar reasons. Along with the running of a successful and growing publication.

The 10X Short Stories is something I want to do myself once I've finished my 100 Story Challenge. Haven't felt ready to talk about it until I'd actually crossed the finish line. But definitely a good thing to ask him.

I'm working on the last 20-25 of my stories being in the same universe.

You'll see them land at Escape Town before Sept 19th.

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Nice!! Looking forward to them :D

(@ running of publication(s) - yep, I'm also interested)

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