Nov 4, 2022Liked by Zane Dickens

This was incredible, Zane. You really brought it all together for me with your notes at the end. Since I'm of a different, older generation, the references in these stories escape me at times. So your notes are valuable to me for understanding the background and references to current events. I enjoy the descriptions alone, but even more so once I know what it's about. I hope you keep doing the notes at the end!

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Author

Thank you Kathy, I'll keep that in mind while I find the right format for each week. Today's version loses a bit of what you like in this one so I'll make sure to add that back in :)

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Zane Dickens

This one was just as good as I am learning from your writing process. I like both ways! Let your creativity take you where it will.

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