- In the mood for love **** My absolute favorite

- my blueberry nights

- the grandmaster

- 2046

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Looks like I have some movies to track down! 😃

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The first one is on max these days.

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Thanks I'll have to track it down in SA.

I wanted to ask you, should I keep posting the prompts on here or should I niche down more and focus on "building a one-person media empire by focusing on the reader experience"?

Would love your thoughts on this.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by Zane Dickens

The latter, in my opinion.

I had the benefit of hearing the author of the book Grit speak today. The big takeaway that I received was the idea of how to accomplish a narrow, specific goal. She advised us to give that singular goal our concentrated, intense effort towards achieving every day. And, like you’re doing, invite feedback on how your progress towards accomplishing that goal is going. We should ask what we should start, stop, change, and continue doing. These three things (set goal, give focused effort, ask for feedback) done 10,000 times equals accomplishing the height of excellence.

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Grit's on my to read list! I'm a big fan of Growth Mindset, which aligns with this thinking a lot. I agree completely, continuous iteration and feedback is a big part of user experience design.

Thank you for your feedback. I'm going to ask a few other readers, but I'm most likely going to focus down. I'm working on a post on developing a North Star for business and creative projects and it's what got me on this focus focus focus path.

That and I was speaking with the founder of Ream on Tuesday (I'm helping them with a design review) and he said he's not even writing now. Everything is going into Ream. 100% focus. I laughed and said focus has always been my No. 1. issue and said it's so common in writers.

Sorry for the rambling reply, but thanks again for the feedback!

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This path you are on seems divine.

I'm excited to see where you will come to.

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Oh my wow - I L O V E Wong Kar Wai!!!!!!

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Before my pics? What films? 😁

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