Awesome article!

I've been using ChatGPT to help me flesh out what some people call "draft zero". Usually I feel bad just throwing a sequence of dialogue lines in there and calling it a first draft, for example, so I can ask it to "add action beats and create a scene where character A is doing this and character B is doing that." I end up rewriting most of it, but it's good to give it some mass and make that dreadful blank page less blank.

It's also very good at keeping me distracted world building instead of actually writing, which I wouldn't call a productivity hack. Like, why do I need to know the lyrics of the hymns they sing during the religious festival in my fantasy world? I don't! But "ChatGPT, please write some lyrics about the goddess Aetheria!"

PS: thanks for the shout out. I'm so happy for having finished that one. :)

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I wonder how all of this is going to play out. Just read a post about Clarkesworld shutting down submissions after banning writers who submitted AI generated stories went exponential.


I'm avoiding the world building side for the same reasons! :D

But I did write 5-10K worth of conversations about my magic system during Nano, that could probably be codified ChatGPT. Or turned into a side book / found footage wiki.

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Yeah. Lately, the more I think about the future the less I know what's gonna happen, to a point where I'm just trying not to think about it. From my perspective, the next 5~10 years are just so unpredictable there's not even a point in trying to know what will happen, so I've been trying to leave that to those who have more of a clue.

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I know right?

I keep trying to think when my story is based. I just can't. I mean I'm writing about cyberpunk magic. Where people can control the world around them using personal unlicensed AIs.

This feels like next week some days! 😱

So I'm following a similar route. My story is more Star Wars than The Matrix or Neuromancer. It's cyberpunk fantasy. That way I can keep it fun without have to see the future.

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Absolutely. I guess I can say my cyberpunk stories are like Star Wars too since they take place on a different planet... Maybe in a galaxy far far away?

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Really? I didn't know that. Tell me more?

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Anchora is supposed to be a planet, where the largest city (the only one that really thrived) is this cyberpunk megacity in the middle of a desert. My stories take place generations after humans got there. I never really mentioned it in any of the stories, I think, but that's the backdrop I had in my mind while writing them.

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