It took over a month for me to get to this one, but I made sure to keep it as unread on my inbox. I can't have unread mails in my inbox, they are either read or deleted. Unread mails are things I have to get to. And I had to get to this one.

It was worth it.

Thanks for the generous words, Zane. You're right, by the way. Very right. And this is an important message.

I know I'm good enough -- I've learned that recently -- but the thing my wife and I are working on is the fact that knowing is not feeling. You know, like, you know writing a novel is hard, but that doesn't necessarily make it easier. The feeling is what gets you. But then I learned last year, in therapy, that feelings aren't facts, so that helps. Still, again, knowing is not feeling.

So I know I'm enough even if I don't feel it, and I know feelings aren't facts, but goddamn feelings always sneak up on me and make me forget. That's why reminders like this one are important.

Thanks, Zane. I appreciate it.

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My wife is the same.

She gloats about her Inbox Zero every time I walk passed her.

I'm the same just not as good.

It's good for her to win stuff too.

Thank you for swinging back to this short but heartfelt post.

It's funny that I stumbled since trying to write ChatGTP guides that were different and amazing and good enough. But didn't hit publish, because tech changes and they never seemed good enough.

As you say knowing is not feeling. Knowing is also not doing.

Therapy is great, it should honestly be like a gym membership. And something we all do more often. Speaking of which I need a solid workout with my therapist. He's probably getting lazy.

Speaking of your fiction, besides your amazing vibe, you're more than good enough.

I'm happy my little on a whim post helped remind you.

Keep writing and thanks for stopping by.


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